Play and Learning
Between the ages of six and nine your child will mature and develop markedly. Just by playing together, you encourage and enhance this process.
Your child's day is now more structured to fit around school, with lots of rules to follow. Having free time to play and ponder is very valuable, as children still need time to let their thoughts roam, to explore ideas and to just run around for fun.
Research shows that sometimes parents can worry that their child is not doing enough structured activities, but often the time spent on self-directed play can be the most valuable. ...
From: School-age children at play, Raising Children Network, 2006
... a calendar of events, including children's activities, meetings for parents and teachers (sometimes with a guest speaker), information nights, and outings ...
From: Parents', Teachers' and Children's Activities, Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children Inc, 2006
Specific Learning Disabilities
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities/Difficulties (SLD/D) are those who have a short-term or persistent problem in one or more areas of literacy, numeracy and learning how to learn.
In some areas, however, they may display strengths. For example: they may be very good at oral communication, but have difficulty putting these words into written language, or they may have problems learning to read and spell, but show an aptitude for maths.
From: Specific Learning Disabilities/Difficulties (SLD/D's), SPELD QLD Inc, 2006
Getting Your Children to Listen
Getting your child to do what you want the first time you ask. Sound impossible?
It's not. Parents of young children can achieve just that.
Getting your child to listen is an easy online program that can help you improve your child's behaviour. It?s designed to help parents get children to do what you ask, with less nagging, yelling and frustration.
And that means more enjoyment for the whole family.
From: Getting Your Children to Listen, Victorian Parenting Centre, 2006
Improving Reading For Children and Teens
Just watch how a preschooler will pretend to read a story you have just read for them. They are learning by imitation. Actually that is how children learn many things. Take speech for an example. Young children learn to talk by imitating the sounds made by their parents. They then learn how the sounds go together to make words.
When you helped your child learn to talk you both had fun. You probably made up games to stimulate them to talk. They interacted with you and that made the learning process enjoyable. You both smiled and laughed when they learned to say new words or phrases.
From: Improving Reading For Children and Teens, Child Development Institute
Books for Parents and Teachers
- Designing Early Literacy Programs: Strategies for At-Risk Preschool and Kindergarten Children by Lea M. McGee
- An Integrated Approach to Early Literacy: Literature to Language by Susan Mandel Glazer
- Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts: Early Literacy by Jeanne M. Machado
- Early Literacy (Developing Child) by Joan Brooks McLane
- Super Skills: A Social Skills Group Program for Children with Asperger Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism and Related Challenges by Judith Coucouvanis
- The Social Skills Picture Book Teaching play, emotion, and communication to children with autism Jed Baker
- Incredible 5-Point Scale Assisting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Understanding Social Interactions and Controlling Their Emotional Responses by Kari Dunn Buron
- Social Skills Training for Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome and Social-Communications Problems by Jed Baker
Resources for the Assessment of Children's Learning and Behaviour
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV, American Psychiatric Association
- Essentials of WIAT-III and KTEA-II Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment) by Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger
- Wiat II: Scoring and Normative Supplement for Grades PreK-12 by David Wechsler
- Wide Range Achievement Test Wrat/Wrat-3-1
- WRAT-3: Wide range achievement test administration manual / Gary S. Wilkinson by Gary S Wilkinson
- Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment) by Dawn P. Flanagan
- Assessment of Children: WISC-IV and WPPSI-III Supplement by Jerome M. Sattler
- WISC-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Perspectives (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) by Aurelio Prifitera
- WISC-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Perspectives (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) by Aurelio Prifitera
More: Resources for Parents